Archive | December, 2011

Oh, Christmas Card, Oh Christmas Card

21 Dec

For the last 3 years I have not sent out a Christmas card. The Christmas card is a way of saying “look how our family is growing!” Well, its still just me and Andrew and I didn’t want our ‘look at whats new with the Boganwrights’ to be “look, Becca got bangs!”

Last year the idea of a Christmas card that was still just us was kinda depressing.

This year I got over it and really did intend to send them out… but just never got around to it.  And then we basically spent our budget in gifts and the idea of spending more money on cards and stamps just didn’t seem plausible.

So.. here is what our Christmas card may have looked like…..





Merry Christmas everyone!

Homestudy Done

20 Dec

We are taking foward steps in our adoption from Ethiopia process.

Andrew and I just finished our homestudy interviews and are ready to start out immigration (called a dossier) paperwork.

Homestudy means the social worker that was assigned to our case came to our home to check it out and interview us. We did one interview at the house together and then we did another day of interviews where he sat down with me and Andrew individually.

The homestudy was a lot less invasive than I thought it would be. I was prepared for our social worker to look at our medicine cabinet, ask where we store our knives, look in our fridge, etc. But he really just looked to see that we had 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms like we said we did. 

Thanks for continuing to pray us through this process. Andrew and I are getting more and more excited. It still may take a while. Probably about another year and a half to two years before we get to bring kid(s) home. We are praying for God to work a miracle of ‘quickness.’


Another trip to DC

19 Dec


Andrew and I flew to DC again in November to visit my BFF and the fam. They had connections and arranged for us to get a tour of the White House which was pretty great.


Every tree was yellow, red, and orange. It was so beautiful.

I cried when we got on the plane to come home ’cause I loved spending some quality time with my sweet friend and I miss her dearly, but also because they are moving which means we won’t be going back to DC for a long, long time. I love it there.

(BTW – these pics were taken on Andrew’s phone and I just now got them onto my computer. See what I mean?)

Why I haven’t been blogging

18 Dec

I have kind of been silently revolting. I still have a flip phone. Antennae, no data plan, can only hold about 15 pics, no music, no gps… you get me?

This means I am no longer the photographer in the family. I don’t carry my camera with me cause my husband takes all the pictures now on his iphone. This means that he has all the pictures… on his phone…. on his computer.

Now I feel entitled. Before when it was perfectly fine for me to take pictures on my camera, come home and find my camera, find the right cable, use the cable to upload them onto my computer (PC by the way), and then sit down and write from my computer… now it seems like such a task. 

So, there’s the lame reason. I haven’t been blogging because it has been feeling more like a ‘job’ rather than a easy thing I can do to to express my thoughts and invite others into my thoughts and life.

I think I might need to get over myself.