Archive | January, 2008

Its my Birthday

31 Jan

Yes. January 31st. My claim to fame is that Justin Timberlake and I are the exact same age. We are both 27 today. Andrew is bringing me lunch today and we might go have sushi but other than that, the day will pretty much go as normal. But I still feel special. I love birthdays.

Gotta go back

22 Jan

So today was a great day off.  Slept in, went to the gym, got together with friends to see a movie, a little shopping, and now back to my reality:  laundry and work for tomorrow.  I gotta go back to work tomorrow.

I am making a new seating chart for my classes.  My students (God love them) are getting pretty antsy.  I am a little disouraged trying to balance my responsibility as a teacher with my students’ responsibility.  I do think it is my responsibility to produce engaging lessons that will inspire and motivate my students to want to learn.  But the bottom line is, I can work my butt off to create lessons that will inspire learning, but the kids still have to do the work.  And some of them just aren’t doing it.  So, where do I let go of the responsibility on my shoulders and not beat myself up when I have failing students and let the kids take their own responsibility for their grades?


21 Jan

So I have been aprehensive lately ( so say the least) to post pictures on my blog because I didn’t know how to shrink the size of the file to make it fit.  People were telling me that they were taking forever to load because the file was so big.  I think I finally figured it out.  Did I do it?

This is my Best Friend

21 Jan


I realized I have never talked about my Best Friend on my blog.  Robin.  This is her and her amazingly smart daughter, Michaela.  Robin is a huge part of where I am now with my relationship with God.  I remember one time in high school we were in the car talking about my insecurities about singing in church.  I told her I didn’t want to because I didn’t think I was good enough.  Her response rocked my world:  “So, when you stand before God someday and He asks you why you never used the gift He gave you, you’re going to tell Him that it wasn’t good enough?”  Ouch!  Did you feel that too?  I still get convicted by that memory whenever Satan attacks me with my selfish insecurities.

Even though we don’t get to see each other very often ’cause she lives 4 hours away, I love and respect her so much.  As a mom, a wife, a friend, and amazing woman of God. 

Found this

20 Jan


 This picture was taken at Losiah’s 1st birthday party.  As long as Heather and I have been friends, this is one of 2 pictures we have together.  Anyway, I just like this picture.  Memories.


15 Jan

 So last night was the first Sandals service I’ve missed (other than the Sundays Moi played) since June.  Yes, I could have pushed my way through it.  I could have also pushed my way through a full day of work today.  But I chose not to.  (Thanks again to my friend Christine for taking my classes today)  I am trying to get better at resting and taking care of myself at the beginning of being sick so that I can get better faster.  Not feeling the results yet, though.  Sore throat.  Ear pressure.  Yellow snot.  Mmmmm.

I did get to watch Opera today for the first time in a while.

Do you push through or do you make yourself rest when you are sick?

I’m Back and I’m frustrated

12 Jan

I must be the most UNcomputer savy person in the world.  I don’t know whats wrong with me.  You want to know why I haven’t posted in forever?  Its because if it can’t be the way I want it, I won’t do it.  Or if I am unsure of how to do something, I shy away.  How’s that for being real?

Yes, I wanted to share pictures of my Hawaii trip.  And yes, I even tried it on my husband’s mac.  And no, it didn’t look right.  Its all blurry.  It took forever to even find one picture that was post worthy and then it didn’t show up right!!!  Ahhhh!

So this is me.  Admitting that I am computerally challenged.  I know so many of you have tried to help me and I have tried to receive that help by following your directions.  I feel so lame.

Love me despite my computer inadequacies.