Archive | November, 2010

I’m in Love

22 Nov

Brooke Fraser.  A few weeks ago she had a CD release concert… her first show in years.

My amazing husband got us tickets and we drove to L.A.  One of the few things that will get me to drive that far away on a school night.

This is the joy on our faces before the show was about to start.

Of course, I couldn’t take any pictures during her concert, but she is freaking amazing!

If you have the chance to pick up her CD, I know you will love it!

They are back

21 Nov

Red Starbucks cups.

I love them.

(Yes, this is me taking my own picture in the car.  To my defense, I kept my eyes on the road at all times).

But even though I have gotten a red cup, it still has not fulfilled all my Christmas requirements…

once I get a red cup and it is cold enough for me to be wearing a scarf at the same time… then I am Holiday  Happy.

I am holding off until after Thanksgiving.


20 Nov

We are headed to Oklahoma.  Some sweet friends of ours from our Rancho Cucamonga days (where we lived for the formative years of our marriage) moved out there about 4 years ago.

Drew and Brianna Boyle.  Their son, Kimball, is our godson and they have had 2 kids since the last time we have seen them.  A visit has been a long time coming.  Not super excited about the Oklahoma part, but can’t wait to see our friends.

Then its up to Fresno for Thanksgiving.

All in all, Andrew and I will be gone almost a week and a half.

I know I will love it, but I will probably need a vacation from our vacation when we get back. =)

My Love Quilt

19 Nov

A few months ago I mentioned to my mother-in-law that I had always wanted a jean quilt.  A friend of mine had one years ago and it was so heavy and comfy I wanted one of my own.

So unbeknownst to me, my mother-in-law got to work

Cozy and comfy… its more than I ever expected.   I feel very loved.

Trunk-n-Treat Sandals Style

18 Nov

Andrew and i are not huge on Halloween.  We don’t like spending a lot (if any) money on costumes so we have to look at what we have.  Justin Kowalski offered to let Andrew borrow a Riddlers costume and I knew I had some cat ears.  Perfect.

The Riddler and Catwoman.  It totally works.

What to do?

17 Nov

We don’t really have a yard.  We have a side-yard.  A dog run, if you will.

We planted some plants and tried to make what little we have as nice as possible.

When we first planted this one, it was about 2 feet tall, very pretty plant.

Now its a tree!  It is taller than me and not so pretty anymore.

Here is my dilema: it only grows from the top.  It will grow new leaves but only at the top.  Top looks great, bottom looks scraggly and dying.  If I pull the dead leaves off, then I have just a trunk and it rally does become more tree-like.

Any green-thumbers out there?

Any tips?

The Reason Why

16 Nov

So in the car driving to the starting line for the race at 6:45am, I get a text from another friend, Summer Christopher:  “My water just broke.  On my way to the hospital.”

At first conflicted, Robin and Gina quickly convinced me to drop them off at the starting line and turn around and drive home.  I wished them luck as they jumped out of the car, raced to my parents house to grab my stuff, and was on the road back to Riverside.

A few weeks ago Summer had asked if I would be in the room when she was in labor.  Honored, I quickly said yes.  Knowing that I wasn’t the best person for the job (not having been through a delivery of my own), there was lots of stuff I did not know about but Neal and Summer were very gracious. 

When I got to Riverside, she was only at 2 cm.  Not too long after I got there, she started progressing.  I wanted to bet there but knew I only had a few hours because I was supposed to lead worship at church in the evening. 

At about 2:30 in the afternoon, it was evident to me:  I was either going to miss the birth of this baby or I was going to miss church.  My friends on the worship team are amazing and convinced me to stay; with a few emergency calls, a few amazing people stepped up to cover worship.

I am glad I stayed, because at 5:50…

I was one of the few that experienced the birth of Anselm Zephaniah Christopher.

It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life.  Sunday morning there wasn’t a person, then Sunday night, there was an extra person in the world!!

Yay for babies!

Fresno Trip

15 Nov

I posted previously that my BFF, Robin, moved to Washington DC.  Well, she came back to CA last week to run a half marathon she had been training for with some girls from her church.

Seeing that my friend was in CA, I had to make the 4 hour trip up to Fresno to see her.  I went up on Friday evening and came back Sunday afternoon.  I got to hang out with my nephews, take my parents out for yogurt for my Dad’s bday, and spend lots of time with my sweet friends.

Me, Gina, and Robin made a quick run to Target to get some stuff for their race day and Gina was a bit distracted by the clearanced halloween outfits….for dogs. 

We tease her because she is a bit obsessed with her pet.

I got talked into running part of the race with them and I gave in.  To keep ourselves warm, we bought some tube socks, cut holes, and put them on our arms.  Something we could toss in the middle of the run.

Even though I hadn’t been training, I was pretty excited to run part of the race with my friends (I was only going to do the 1st 3 miles because I had to get back to Riverside for church in the evening), but I never made it to the starting line….

to be continued…

The Perfect Pump

14 Nov

The other day I filled up my tank at the gas station.

When it finished and I looked up, it brought joy to my life to see that once the pump shut off, I had spent EXACTLY $35.oo.

When does that happen?

Good Day.

First Sunday

1 Nov

Today was pretty awesome.  Our first Sunday in our new building!  Not just a new location… OUR LOCATION!!  We didn’t have to take down the stage today, we didn’t have to stack any chairs!

I loved hearing our church declare together that we are giving all “glory to God forever.”  People were so excited to be there today and I loved it because I WAS SO EXCITED ABOUT TODAY!

We totally expected there to be major sound/technical issues…. there weren’t!

God was completely in charge.  LOVED IT!